Policy Paper | Workshop 2

Outreach to Students and General Public


Like in other countries, universities and research institutions are often reluctant to openly and transparently inform the general public about the importance of their animal research. Also, students are not made sufficiently aware of the necessity of animal research in modern biomedical and life science research.

Problem Statement

During the 5th Basel Declaration Conference in San Francisco (February 14/15,2018), it was discussed how access to information about animal research can be improved so people can obtain accurate information and debate the issues from a fact-based position.

  • Develop approaches that will promote good practices in being open about animal research and in providing the public with better insights into the reasons for, methods of, and progress resulting from, the use of animals in research
  • Determine practical steps that organizations can consider taking to facilitate their communications around animal research
  • Consider ways in which activities can be facilitated that will encourage public engagement with the issue of animals in scientific, veterinary and medical research
  • Obtain institutional buy in to talk about animal models internally and externally
  • Educational outreach such as the national science teachers conference, science fairs, STEM programs
  • Educate elected officials
  • Support third party organizations such as AALAS, AMP, NABR, etc.
Analysis of Options

Form groups to navigate relevant discussions within your institution. Take into account, generational and cultural views about the use of animals in research. Take care not to come across as an activist on the other side by presenting facts not opinion. Need discussions to be transparent. Be responsible in how the issues are presented. Use third party agencies as experts for examples of programs that are effective. Start small, look for opportunities, promote involvement in science fairs, career days, and scientist discussion panels about their career path and involve parents. Have a parent information night.

Workshop Participants will generate Recommendations
  • Need a repository for ideas and a forum for continued discussion and sharing resources – AALAS Community program?
  • Need to develop measurements of success prior to initiating new programs. Question about what kind of data is meaningful. Review Concordat report
  • Use project-based learning for youth
Our Commitments
  • Talk to administrators about what we learned and the importance of openness and transparency and be persistent
  • As individuals we commit to interact with relevant audiences and continue making small steps towards openness and transparency in the use of animals in research
  • We commit to reporting our successes and challenges back to the group

San Francisco, February 15, 2018

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