2024 ART Award Ceremony and Conference

Please join us on Monday July 8th, 2024, for this virtual conference to meet the new ART awardees that will present their exciting projects and learn more about the ART SciComm and 3R Award schemes for early career stage scientists. In addition, invited keynote speakers share their expertise in the 3Rs and SciComm.

The conference is free of charge but registration is compulsory. To register, plase scroll down and fill in the form at the end of this page.

We invite all young life scientist organizations and individuals with a vested interest in SciComm and the 3Rs to participate at this conference and discuss their activities with the aim to share expertise from different countries and consider the potential benefits of cross-border networking. Therefore, please forward this conference announcement to young scientist organisations and individuals active in Sci Comm and 3R to encourage them to actively participate.


Preliminary Program

1:00 pm (CET) Welcome

Rolf Zeller (10 min) 

1:15- 1:45 pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER SciComm (Chair Rolf Zeller)
Jodi Salinsky (UAR Oceania): Title TBA (25+5min)

1:45- 2:15 pm Progress Reports by 2022 ART SciComm Awardees (Chair Rolf Zeller)

Alba Moran Alvarez (University of Oviedo): “A way to understand” (12+3min).

Tommaso Virgilio (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona): ““Animals and research, why?”: a transmedia approach to shape public knowledge of animal research.” (12+3min).


2:15- 2:40 pm 2023 ART SciComm Awardees (Chair Giuliano Grignaschi)

Christelle de Brito and Mireia Garcia Rosello (CEU Cardenal Herrera Valencia): "TranspaVET" (10+2)

Benjamin Zarov (Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon): “The Sound of (Neuro)Science” (10+2)


3:00- 3:30 pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER 3R (Chair Nuno Franco)

Jessica Rodda (RSPCA): "The Roadmap to Reducing Severe Suffering" (25+5min)


3:30- 4:15 pm Progress Reports by 2023 ART 3R Awardees (Chair Nuno Franco)

Sara Jorge (i3S, Porto): "ZMATRIX - Developing non-terminal methods to assess cortisol in adult zebrafish" (12+3min)

Aurora Montali (University of Insubria): "The silkworm as an alternative non-mammals infection model for screening new antibiotics" (12+3min)

Sergio Rodriguez (University of Oviedo): "Replacing experimental mice by establishing reusable prostate cancer organoids" (12+3min)


4:15- 4:40 pm 2024 ART 3R Awardees (Chair Giuliano Grignaschi)

Niklas Hegemann (Charite, Berlin): “Establishment of a 3R compliant cardiac diastolic dysfunction model using the in-ovo platform” (10+2min)

Benjamin Tsang (University of Toronto): “Development and refinement of computer-generated stimulus for zebrafish behavioural neuroscience” (10+2min)


4:40- 5:30 pm: Panel discussion (Chair Aimée Zuniga)

Participants and topics: TBA


5:30- 5:45 pm Outlook and closure

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