Please join us on Tuesday June 21, 2022, for this virtual conference to meet the first ART awardees that will present their exciting projects and learn more about the next ART SciComm and 3R award scheme for early career scientists. In addition, invited keynote speakers will share their expertise in the 3Rs and SciComm.
We invite all young life scientist organizations and individuals with a vested interest in SciComm and the 3Rs to participate at this conference and discuss their activities with the aim to share expertise from different countries and consider the potential benefits of cross-border networking.
Conference Program
1:30pm (CET)
Iana Buch & Rolf Zeller: Welcome
ART 3R Awardees (Chair Rolf Zeller)
1:45pm (Replace) Estrela Neto: Organ-on-a-chip systems are the animal’s best friends (12+3min).
2:00pm (Refine) Patrick Reinhardt: Improving operant rodent testing in an OpenScience Homecage environment (12+3min).
2:15pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER 3R (Chair Nuno Franco)
Sofia Viana, iCBR: “HaPILLness – Re(de)fining oral dosing in experimental rodents” (25+5min)
ART SciComm Awardees (Chair Giuliano Grignaschi)
2:45pm Miguel Gandra: Digital multimedia content on marine biologging research for scientific and public dissemination (12+3min).
3:00pm Francesca Lanzarini: How animals’ brains work? - a neuroscientific podcast (12+3min).
3:15pm Charlotte Rosher: Science on the Walls (12+3min).
3:30pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER SciComm (Chair Aimée Zuniga)
Elodie Chabrol, freelance science communicator: "Keys to communicate your research" (25+5min)
4:20pm Young Scientist Organisations and Individual Talents
Introduction round (3-5 min each depending on no. of participants). The young scientific communicators participating are Maria Abou Chakra, Florian Dehmelt, Noémie Frezel, Diego Galagovsky, Maeva Luxey, Solenn Percely and Cédric Sueur. Please forward this conference announcement to additional young scientist organisations and individuals active in Sci Comm and 3R to increase participation.
Open moderated discussion including all participants
One possible aim could be to discuss how to promote exchange, cross-border interactions, and establishment of a Sci Comm and 3R community for early-stage scientists. Animal Research Tomorrow is willing to provide platforms and act to support young scientist initiatives through activities such as ART awards for young scientists.
Outlook and closure of conference
Thank you for your interest in our online conference, registration is now closed. We will record the meeting and share the presentations on our YouTube channel.